"Lurker": Pejorative Term??
...Apparently one reader at Paper Napkin thought so. Funny, but it's not clear from context whether this individual was actually a "lurker" herself! Crazy. Hey... I didn't invent the term. Look it up (I used Dictionary.com) -- the entry I saw even explicitly addressed the blog "lurker" definition as non-pejorative!
Incidentally, I decided that viewing only one source for this definition was insufficient. I love Wikipedia's thorough explanation on the topic, references dating back to early '80s message board sub-culture, and separate categories of lurkers!
I'm moderately tracking the National De-Lurking Week movement. We're about half done. All I can say is, 'FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD, PEOPLE -- IF YOU HAVEN'T POSTED ON MY SITE YET, F-ING DO IT!' Simple rules: 1) Everywhere you "lurk" in the shadows, reading/listening but never speaking/posting yourself... now's the time; 2) Everyone who posts to your blog -- particularly due to the de-lurking movement -- respond in kind and return the favor on their blog.
Supposedly this whole thing was started through Sheryl at Paper Napkin (I initially caught wind via dr. b) a year ago -- god, time flies -- and it was originally only a day. Honoring the weight of purpose in de-lurking, bringing all of you wallflowers out of your comfort zone, we needed a full WEEK. It sometimes takes more than a day to lure a turtle out of her shell.
Thus... in honor of this whole De-Lurking thing... whoever you are, however long you've been lurking in the shadows of my blog... LEAVE A FRIGGIN' COMMENT! It doesn't have to be deep, profound, or otherwise rewarding to the rest of us. It is simply meant to demonstrate the existence of yet one more human in this mix.
I'm not a lurker, but I'll comment anyway :-)
-dr. b.
glad you are safely back home... i came across your blog a few months ago when i decided to try and find out if you were deployed. something reminded me of you and i then recalled that you are (were?) in the National Guard. My recollection met with a bit of concern and i felt compelled to snoop your military business on the internet. though, no improprieties or impositions intended. still, i suppose i have been "lurking" for the past few months as i caught interest of your experience in Iraq. Little Tommie... twirling her fire baton. i still have a scar on my body from climbing a bemidji fence with you-- all for a spectacular fire twirling show in the black of night. such an exhibitionist you are! a blogger spot will do you well. take care, and good luck in my home state of Indiana (for I was a Hoosier until 12 years old). May the corn fields shine golden for you and your pursuit.
J.M. (former BSU Security Guard turned Graduate Student)
Welcome home, Tommi -- Thanks to the Lord for your safe return. I didn't realize that I must be one of your "lurkers" -- but I AM a concerned friend and very much interested in your well-being!
Thanks for the response, all. Well done. JM -- hope all is well! Take care, all. -tommi
Well, what to say? I'm tremendously happy to see you've made it back home safe. Time to feel your freedom.
Hi Tommi - I found your pics on Flickr which led me to your blog. So glad you made it safe and sound. It was nice to read a first-hand account from a soldier's perspective instead of what we get from the media.
You're HOME!
I worried. I stopped checking your blog because there were no messages. I was afraid. But I put up the link, wandered through sometimes.
I linked to your other blog also.
So glad you're back. Safe.
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