Friday, September 16, 2005

Beer and a Bug Zapper it wasn't real beer; it was the Iraq-deployment non-alcoholic kind (which I hate consuming), but I had a "non-mandatoy" explain-to-the-executive-officer-why-if-you-can't-make-it event!

The officers in my unit hosted a handful of officers from their/our higher headquarters on the roof of the three-storey building they now inhabit. My buddy Neil and I grilled the steaks, and I didn't eat any -- I got sick the last time I consumed steak with these knuckle heads.

I wish I would have had some sort of fish-eye panoramic lens to capture the beauty of seeing the sunset and moonrise simultaneously. They hung in the sky, challenging each other to a duel for about 30 minutes. It was so beautiful. It was a clear clear night, burn-smoke rising on one horizon, the "man in the moon" showing crystal-clear complexion, and then the haze of Baghdad night settling in.

There's a bug zapper that migrated from the poker deck over to the new roof-top canopied area. They turned off the florescent lights and a blue glow fell over us, along with intermittent showers of bug corpses scattered by the shock. crazy.

I didn't want to be there. I miss home. I hate pretending this is "fun," you know? I don't even understand the motivation for military politics. Their world is not mine, and they know it, and so do I.

Remembering the real world...


At 9/16/2005 2:26 PM, Blogger Mary Godwin said...

The "real world" misses you, too, Tommi. ... this is a beautifully written post. Your voice is so clearly conveyed in it. -mg

At 9/16/2005 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and of course there are those of us in the real world who are super proud of you and anxious to meet you in real life. Can I also just say that I am impressed thst you keep your toenails painted?!?


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